Episode 2: In Honor of Father’s Day: The Importance of a Strong Moral Male in Empowering the Young People in Your Lives

(Original  air date 06/13/19)

​​Episode Description

This show is dedicated to the men who choose to lead our world by being great role models of what men should be. You are our heroes!

Every day across America men quietly go about their business doing the right thing. They are a support to their wive's and champions of their children. They get up every day and earn the money and generously share it with their family to buy a nice car, pay for a new outfit for their child(ren), pay the utilities, the taxes and worry they will have enough for their retirement. Your laughter is a healing balm, your intellect is stimulating, your stability and calm in a crisis brings a sense of safety for your family. Most men I have met want to do what is right and like all of us they want to be recognized and loved and appreciated.

In the world of Million Kids, we often focus on males as sex buyers or as perpetrators and bad guys. But, truthfully, that is a small segment of our society. Certainly they need to be stopped and we need to educate our parents and teens to keep kids safe from these predators.That is the work of Million Kids.

However, on this Father's Day, I wanted to stop and recognize the vast majority of our society that are wonderful hard working fathers, uncles, brothers and friends. Few men recognize the power of being a strong male role model with good boundaries, and the impact you can make for all the females in your lives (wives, spouses, sister, daughters). The reality is that YOU can change the world of sex trafficking and social media exploitation just by setting the example of how to have an empowering relationship with those you love.

Episode 7: The Impact of Facebook’s New Libra Crypto Currency on Crime and Crime Solving

(Original  air date 07/18/19)

​​Episode Description

Facebook is preparing to release a new crypto currency backed by commercial assets through a corporation in Switzerland. With over two billion followers, Facebook is strategically positioned to change the world of social media since it controls billions in ads, a soon-to-be dating site, and operates a legitimate site in the Dark Net. Equally important is their  long-time use of artificial intelligence used to record over a billion users’ information including searches, location, and video and facial images. Using blockchain technology and 5G connections, Facebook stands to increase global online commerce exponentially as teens and adults from third world countries are introduced to online gaming and easy money schemes. The U.S. congress is expressing concerns over how it will affect U.S. currency and how to protect against global money laundering.

So what does all of this mean for the future of crimes and crime solving? Be sure to join us as we explore this controversial topic.  

Episode 4: Mass-Audience Live-Streaming: What Is It And How Will It Change The World? (TikTok, Live dot me, and Likee)

(Original  air date 06/27/19)

​​Episode Description

Today it is possible and very common for a 12-year-old to have 250,000 followers on social media! And all the while, they are telling mom and dad, I only talk to people I know!

This week we will look at new technologies that are changing how our kids communicate, making them totally accessible to thousands and hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. It has truly become a world without borders for our kids. All a pedophile has to do is sign up and wait. Few parents seem to realize it and all the kids love it. This may be the most riveting podcast you have ever heard. 

Episode 11: Mass-Audience Live-Streaming: What Is It And How Will It Change The World? (TikTok, Live dot me, and Likee)

(Rebroadcast 08/15/19 | Original  air date 06/27/19)

​​Episode Description

Today it is possible and very common for a 12-year-old to have 250,000 followers on social media! And all the while, they are telling mom and dad, I only talk to people I know!

This week we will look at new technologies that are changing how our kids communicate, making them totally accessible to thousands and hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. It has truly become a world without borders for our kids. All a pedophile has to do is sign up and wait. Few parents seem to realize it and all the kids love it. This may be the most riveting podcast you have ever heard. 

Episode 8: Runaway Teenagers and Sex Trafficking: Push-Pull Factors

(Original  air date 07/25/19)

​​Episode Description

Million Kids has educated hundreds of thousands of parents and kids about how predators use dating sites, social media apps, online gaming chat rooms, and mass audience live streaming apps to seduced and groom young people that often ends in exploitation. It is believed that social media is used in over 90% of minor-related sex trafficking cases to access and groom the victim. It is also believed that one out of six youth, who runaway from home, will be victims of sex trafficking in the first 48 hours. That is simply astounding!

Million Kids often works with anguished parents, who are trying to find their runaway child. We send out hundreds of thousands of online flyers trying to assist those parents. We often speak with kids about social media and how pimps, predators and pedophiles will seduce them or blackmail them with an illicit photo. We find that most kids will listen if we explain it in terms they understand.

Million kids is able to do this work because people DONATE and make this possible. While this work is hard and sometimes very frustrating, it is also very rewarding when a missing teen is returned home, a girl admits that she was thinking of meeting a new love on the internet but decided not to, or a young man admits he is tempted to send a nude photo, but now understands why he should not. The “ALMOST BUT DIDN’T” cases are our favoriteand makes our work worthwhile. But often, we are frustrated as we talk with very at-risk kids who are contemplating a life-changing move on the internet.

This week we examine the “push-pull” influencing factors that make runaway youth so vulnerable. We will identify many factors that make a teen more vulnerable to recruitment and also some of the positive things families can do to help their child build strong identify and self worth.

Episode 9: When The Rich and Famous Are Accused of Sex Trafficking and Child Pornography

(Original  air date 08/01/19)

​​Episode Description

This week our nation seems to have been inundated with news stories about famous people charged or convicted of sex crimes involving minors. Some have been charged with sex trafficking and others charged with child pornography. There is a difference and this week we will explore those differences during our case analysis. We will also explore how these powerful and wealthy men accessed and lured their victims.

We will follow the trail of how a runaway girl hooked up with a rapper and was lured in and taken to a huge mansion only to be very quickly transported to a motel for filming and then forced into a life of abuse and commercial sex. She was later traded to "crash dummies” (less successful pimps) and ultimately ended up in an adult club where she was rescued.

As technology makes our kids more and more available to mass audiences, it is important to understand how rich and famous people can easily use others to access, groom and recruit innocent young people, who think they will be discovered and become famous.

Please support the work of Million Kids as we educate parents and teens about how advancing technologies are used to exploit our kids!

Episode 13: When a Child Self-Violates, Films It and Shares It online, Who is to Blame? Pedophile/Predator? Parent? Society? App Developer?

(Original  air date 08/29/19)

​​Episode Description

This is a powerful discussion about one of the greatest crimes of the Twenty First Century - Sextortion.

Every day thousands of young people across the U.S. meet total strangers on the internet. They develop a trusting relationship based on a fantasy perception of who they are communicating with, and then seduced into sending a naked photo, video or sensual text. The Blackmail begins. 

The challenge is that the victims are becoming younger and younger. Certainly, many 15 to 17 year olds have fallen prey to sextortion, but today we are seeing kids 8 to 12 years old being trapped in this heinous crime. So who is at fault?

Online predators don't recognize their actions as pedophilia because they never meet or touch the child. Most never allow themselves to see the life-time of destruction they are creating when they get a child to self-violate on camera and share. Many predators are married with children of their own.  Most seem surprised at trial when they are sentenced to 30 years (or more) in prison because they never saw their actions as life-changing.

Parents are providing 8 year olds with cell phones believing their child is smarter than most and will be wise when online. Parents are also naively very uninformed about how sextortion works and even more so about how 8 year old kids perceive social media as the door to being a discovered talent and a place to receive world-wide acceptance. Most 8 year olds will not tell once they have been sextorted and carry the shame and guilt. Many parents will blame the app developer even when the parent violated the user age policy when they provided the app to the child.

So who is to blame? Society? The app maker? The pedophile? The parent? And even more important, how do we keep our kids safe from predators?

Season 13: Exploited - Crimes Against Humanity

Episode 5: The Prism of Shame and Phantom Relationships

(Rebroadcast date: 07/04/19 | Original  air date 09/27/18)

​​Episode Description

This week we will examine the power total strangers can have over our kids. Think about this. A child meets an individual on the world wide web. That person seduces him/her. They isolate the child and get him/her to engage in self degrading behavior. No one is in the room with them. No one physically touches the child, but they degrade themselves. And when the child is blackmailed, he/she will go to extreme lengths to try to satisfy their virtual captor, BUT THEY WILL NOT TELL!

This might be one of the most powerful programs we have ever done!

This week we will explore the power of shame from self-degrading acts. And, how a predator, who they have never met and will never meet, can get a young person to commit acts where they are unable to project out the consequences. Acts that destroy the soul and challenge the support and love of a caring family. This is a wakeup call for all of us. We must find ways to educate our kids about how predators use the internet and why kids MUST reach out for help when they are being exploited!

Episode 3: Can Teens Be Prosecuted for Child Pornography When Sending Nude Selfies?

(Original  air date 06/20/19)

​​Episode Description

When your teenager sends a nude selfie can they be charged with child pornography? In other words, can you be both a victim AND a perpetrator?

The answer: It depends.

Are they sending the naked selfie to another minor?

Are they sending the naked selfie  to an adult, but harassing them?

Depends on which state you live in and if you can be prosecuted as an adult at 16 years of age.

It’s really important to talk to your teen about naked selfies so they don’t have to learn about the consequences the hard way!

Episode 1: How to Survive a Gunshot Wound

(Original  air date 06/06/19)

​​Episode Description

This is a specialized show with national gunshot wound expert Lary Townson. Lary is an EMT-1A and owner of Townson TM Productions. He is also the National Director Law Enforcement Division of Emergency Medical Products Inc. Mr.Townson has worked with law enforcement, schools, churches and several other organizations by conducting Gunshot Would Life Saver Workshops. A few of his clients include, but are not limited to, the NYPD, LAPD, LA Sheriff Dept., Denver PD, Las Vegas PD, FBI, U.S. Secret Service and Columbine.

Why do you need this information? Because most people have only a 1 to 6 minute window to take immediate action if they sustain a critical gunshot or stabbing wound to help save their or someone else’s life. Every minute is critical and having the right information can most definitely save a life.

Episode 6: Crowdsourcing Gone Wrong: An Invasion of Sextortionists Seducing Our Kids

(Rebroadcast date: 07/11/19 | Original  air date 11/08/18)

​​Episode Description

What is “crowdsourcing?” The practice of obtaining information or input into a task or project by enlisting the services of a large number of people, either paid or unpaid, typically via the internet.

In her long-awaited second book, “Societal Shift,” Opal Singleton discusses how in the age of advancing technologies and growing connectivity, like-minded pedophiles with shared fetishes and ideologies have come together to exchange ideas, feelings, expertise and collectively mobilize.

Crowdsourcing sextortion is truly a 21st century concept. It is the tsunami of sexual exploitation. In the past, child pornographers stayed in the shadows and kept their illicit photos to themselves or maybe shared them with a close friend.

Today, sextortion rings can form via the internet with six, eight, ten or even more pedophiles, who collectively utilize sophisticated seduction methods to exploit children. These innocent children or teenagers do not stand a chance once they are lured into this snare. They have no idea they are communicating with multiple adults. 

For the pedophile, crowdsourcing gives them a sense of inclusion, validation and acceptance. They also become competitive with one another, and continually expand their knowledge of technology and psychology to sharpen their skills. They often maintain sophisticated records and logs of their victims’ responses and celebrate their successes, even as an innocent victim’s life is destroyed.

We must teach our youth, parents, educators, and first-responders how to protect our kids from these vile individuals. This is real life David vs. Goliath… the war between good and evil. Unless we all take a stand and do something, the problem will continue to advance as technology brings our entire world together for the first time in history.

Episode 12: The Bait and Switch Recruiting Process for Sex Trafficking

(Original  air date 08/22/19)

​​Episode Description

Million Kids has worked to combat sex trafficking in the U.S. for over ten years now and one thing we most often see, when a predator,  pimp or bottom girl is recruiting a victim, is the "Bait and Switch" method of seduction. Whether it is a desire to be "discovered" as a model, singer, or reality TV star, or  to connect with a new seductive boyfriend, or trusting new found girl friend, the victim is unable to visualize that they are actually being ensnared… until they are in too deep.

This week we are going to look at three completely separate cases that involved "Bait and Switch" tactics of recruiting. In every case another woman was involved in the recruiting. One was mesmerized by a rapper’s mansion; one started a relationship with a gang boyfriend; and one trusted a new girlfriend who had a sympathetic ear. In each case, they were deceived and the price they paid changed their lives forever.

Episode 10: Trends in Trafficking

(Original  air date 08/08/19)

​​Episode Description

Million Kids President and CEO, Opal Singleton, just returned from Washington D.C. where she participated in the Police Executive Review Forum. What an extraordinary organization dedicated to leadership and best practices for the law enforcement community. This is the nation’s premier think tank that addresses issues of crime and crime solving. What a privilege to participate with the nation’s top law enforcement executives and NGO’s as they addressed issues related to combating national and global labor and sex trafficking.

During this week’s show, we are going to examine some of the trends that are taking place in sex trafficking. Million Kids has been combating trafficking nationally and internationally for 11 years and much has changed.

Foreign National sex trafficking rings are large-scale, multi-national, and multi-state.  Many are led by females. Many are established for the purposes of money laundering.  Some use multi-state advertising and the “dates” are made through a centralized call center.

Numerous domestic sex trafficking rings are controlled by gangs. But gangs are changing and are using social media to coerce, recruit, groom and arrange sex buying transactions. Some gangs are operating sex trafficking rings from prison.

Social Media is used in 90% of sex trafficking cases. Much of the communication is encrypted. Social media is used to recruit, groom, exploit, coerce and control the victim.